Test Center Hotfixes have been applied:

  • Fixed issue with the house menu not updating the label for decay stage after refreshing
  • Prevented placing houses over any objects
  • House placement now correctly looks for Housing subregions instead of Britain.Wind for validating placement & housing subregions have been placed throughout most of the world
  • Prevented picking up items recently dropped from a collapsed house by Young characters
  • Prevented trading items recently dropped from a collapsed house by all

Please help us welcome our newest teammate, Sol. Sol is currently training to be a Counselor and will soon be on the front lines helping players out when possible. Welcome to the team Sol! For those of you curious about what Counselors do, please see: https://forums.legendsofultima.online/d/45-about-the-counselor-role

Earlier today, we identified an economy breaking issue. While we won't go into full detail on this, what we can say in summary is that a small group of players leveraged an exploit. Our telemetry identified this and we acted as soon as we noticed it.

The end result is that group of players have immediately had their accounts banned. We do not tolerate this behavior and there is no recourse for it. The side effect of is the detrimental effect on the economy. Based on a lot of deliberations and investigations over the last 7 hours, we have concluded that the only way to 100% protect the economy and our game is to execute a rollback.

The time that we are rolling back to will be 16:00 UTC/12:00 US EST on June 23rd. This is roughly 30 hours of play time. We completely appreciate that this is a less than ideal circumstance, and as such would like to reward our players that obey the rules and play faithfully with an additional gift that you'll receive on your next login, as well as a reset of all power hour and level cap timers. In addition, power hours for the next 24 hours will offer double the gain chance that they usually do.

Rest assured we have also made (and thoroughly tested) additional changes that will go a long way to ensure that this does not happen again. We have also made improvements in terms of notification for this particular issue, so that on the off chance it DOES somehow happen again, the lag time between the action and the discovery of said action will improve significantly.

We, like you, are incredibly frustrated with this situation and have had to take time away from our jobs and families to try and put things back in order. We hope you understand our approach to this, and look forward to hanging out with you in Britannia again shortly.

We'll be coming back online within the next few minutes.

The Paralyze spell now interrupts the victim's spell cast on success The use of an invisibility potion now breaks spell casts Skeleton Keys now properly open chests of any level regardless of lockpicking skill Carpentry kegs have been fixed and no longer produce deeds

Power hour will no longer expire after 60 real-time minutes from activation, instead will expire after 60 minutes of in-game playtime, with the same 22-hour cooldown from the time you started it last

This means if you log out before using all of your Power Hour then you can log back in and use what's remaining before the 22 hours is up, after which Power Hour will be reset and you will be able to activate it again

Non-faction players can no longer create collision with, heal, or give beneficial spells to faction players

  • Dyes, used for changing the color of a dyetub, are now single-use and stackable
  • Added looting rights as described at https://wiki.legendsofultima.online/e/en/notoriety
  • Unused secondary skills removed from the secondary skill window, currently all of the secondary skills are under review and disabled
  • Fixed issue with being able to sell more than vendors can afford when the bill of sale exceeds their budget
  • Added vendor message letting users know how much gold the vendor has to spend when trying to over-sell; AIn the future we will work to make it more like UO where the vendor will buy what they can and leave you with what didn't sell, rather than block the transaction, making it easier to use for players
  • Added missing resource counter UI update to vendor transactions
  • Fixed issue with "Quick Loot" context menu option not working on items inside corpses
  • Added 500ms cooldown between item-pickup actions to prevent spamming movement of items
  • Added eating sound when eating food
  • Updated Treasure Map window with new in-game map
  • Removed "Stack All" options from containers, as these need to be redesigned
  • KNOWN ISSUE: Barber NPC's buy window is not working, hopefully this isn't happening to other vendor types also
  • Added an /exhausted command to show currently capped skills.
  • Fixed an issue with Magic Trap spell endlessly triggering on containers despite removing the trap with the Remove Trap spell.
  • Runebook will now remain open until a Charge is consumed via the Use Charge ability.
  • Wisps have had their spell casting fixed and their Gold drops reduced to intended levels.
  • Slightly increased Taunt range from 6 to 7 for Tanks.
  • Adjusted Camping gains and the 75+ Camping regen bonus.

We'll remain offline for up to an hour during the next restart window (type /nextrestart to see when that is.) to run some additional maintenance tasks. Thank you for your patience, as always.

We are doing a restart for some updates. We'll be back shortly.

The transition to Britannia is almost complete! Britannia has been live since June 20th, 2021 and the new world is thriving!

There are still some of you who have not made the transfer yet. Don't worry, you still have some time. Celador will remain online until August 1, 2021, we will share a more definite timeframe as we get closer.

In the meantime, please make sure you transfer any remaining characters to Britannia. After Celador shuts down, any remaining characters, houses, and items in the world will not be accessible.

Through the transition process, we have found an extreme amount of abandoned characters and accounts that people have not logged into for years. This presents an opportunity for us to clean up the bloat and increase performance by eliminating stale characters and items.

We've made the difficult decision to proceed with the Celador shutdown and purging old characters, to de-bloat the character database.

We understand that some people may not have had a chance to come back to LOU, so please make sure you tell your friends and family that had previously played but have not come back yet.

Thanks for your support and patience, we appreciate you!

It's finally time! Here is some more supporting information on what to expect:


See you in game!

Patch notes for Test Center are being kept track of here: https://forums.legendsofultima.online/d/28-test-center-patch-notes